Coastal Insights

Cape Hatteras Inlet: A Diminishing Coastal Asset
August 10, 2021
As a gateway to one of the premier blue marlin fishing locations in the world, the Cape Hatteras inlet provides significant value to the tourism and fishing industries of the North Carolina coastline.

North Carolina Seagrasses: The Hidden Gems of Our Fishery
July 16, 2020
North Carolina’s coast includes thousands of acres of seagrasses and other aquatic vegetation, which are essential to marine life and the health of our estuaries.

Study Finds 34 Percent of Shrimp Mislabeled in North Carolina
July 9, 2020
Are you a victim of mislabeled seafood? New research shows there's a good chance the shrimp on your plate is not from North Carolina or even this continent.

Going Barbless in North Carolina
June 22, 2020
Recreational anglers disagree with the North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission’s push to require barbless circle and treble hooks for recreational fishing.

Commercial Fishers to Receive over $7.5 Million
June 20, 2020
In March 2020, the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries was informed that it is eligible for an additional $7,728,000 in federal fishery disaster assistance.

Committees Approve Shrimp Trawling and Bycatch Proposals
June 18, 2020
The North Carolina MFC and the Commercial Fishing Resource Fund Committee approve two proposals determining the amount of bottom trawled by commercial shrimpers.